
The Church of England – expressing the love of God

from life’s beginning – its journey – and its end.

A funeral marks the end of a person’s life here on earth.
Family and friends come together to express grief, give
thanks for the life lived and commend the person into God’s
keeping. This can be a small quiet ceremony or a large occasion
in either a packed church or crematorium.
The following link will help guide you through this ceremony.
We are  there for you through all the stages of life and believe that God’s love and power extends over all creation. Christians have always believed that there is hope in life and that there is new life in Christ after death.  Arrangements are usually made through the Funeral Director of your choosing but if you wish to contact the church directly this is fine as well. You can contact us through the church office (Tel: 0191 422-0445, email: or use the form below.